Language & Currency


Minecraft: Your game, your server

Minecraft Rent server
from 4.37
AUD /month
from 5.26
BGN /month
from 17.31
BRL /month
from 3.98
CAD /month
from 2.50
CHF /month
from 20.57
CNY /month
from 67.94
CZK /month
from 20.06
DKK /month
from 2.69
EUR /month
from 2.24
GBP /month
from 22.11
HKD /month
from 20.27
HRK /month
from 1,107.61
HUF /month
from 45,067.72
IDR /month
from 10.33
ILS /month
from 240.28
INR /month
from 391.93
ISK /month
from 426.74
JPY /month
from 3,970.74
KRW /month
from 57.93
MXN /month
from 12.63
MYR /month
from 31.42
NOK /month
from 4.81
NZD /month
from 166.62
PHP /month
from 11.56
PLN /month
from 13.39
RON /month
from 315.27
RUB /month
from 30.98
SEK /month
from 3.81
SGD /month
from 97.42
THB /month
from 98.56
TRY /month
from 2.84
USD /month
from 51.32
ZAR /month
from 32.31
date /month

Adjust Difficulty in Minecraft Bedrock Edition

In Basic Mode

Go to the game configuration and navigate to “Basic Config” and “Game Settings”.
In the line “Difficulty”, set the desired difficulty level and save.

In Advanced Mode

Go to the game configuration and navigate to “Configuration Files” and “”.
Change the variable difficulty= to the desired value and save.

Values for the variable difficulty in BEDROCK Edition:

  • 0 (peaceful)
  • 1 (easy)
  • 2 (normal)
  • 3 (hard)