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Language & Currency


ICARUS: Your game, your server

ICARUS Rent server
from 3.67
AUD /month
from 4.38
BGN /month
from 11.90
BRL /month
from 3.26
CAD /month
from 2.09
CHF /month
from 17.41
CNY /month
from 55.57
CZK /month
from 16.70
DKK /month
from 2.24
EUR /month
from 1.91
GBP /month
from 18.94
HKD /month
from 16.88
HRK /month
from 873.67
HUF /month
from 38,364.70
IDR /month
from 8.92
ILS /month
from 201.60
INR /month
from 332.64
ISK /month
from 358.69
JPY /month
from 3,238.14
KRW /month
from 41.57
MXN /month
from 11.48
MYR /month
from 25.32
NOK /month
from 3.96
NZD /month
from 136.76
PHP /month
from 9.78
PLN /month
from 11.15
RON /month
from 262.53
RUB /month
from 25.44
SEK /month
from 3.25
SGD /month
from 86.21
THB /month
from 73.59
TRY /month
from 2.42
USD /month
from 45.48
ZAR /month
from 2.92
date /month

How to Become an Admin ICARUS

To become an admin, you first need to set an admin password.
In Basic Mode, you can do this under Server Settings.
In Advanced Mode, you can do this in the ServerSettings.ini file, in the following line:


You then need to enter this password in the in-game chat using the command /AdminLogin password12345.
Replace password12345 with your set password.

RCon Commands




/AdminLogin [Password]

/AdminLogin Pw1234

Registers you as an admin on the server.
Important to be able to use RCon.

/KickPlayer [SteamId or PlayerName] [Reason (optional)]

/KickPlayer 76561197979226165
/KickPlayer Michael Spam

Kicks the specified player from the server.

/BanPlayer [SteamId or PlayerName] [Reason (optional)]

/BanPlayer 76561197979226165
/BanPlayer Michael Spam

Bans the specified player from the server.

/UnbanPlayer [SteamId or PlayerName]

/UnbanPlayer 76561197979226165
/UnbanPlayer Michael

Unbans the specified player.



Kicks all players from the server and opens the lobby.



Once the server is empty, it returns to the lobby.
Ignores the ShutdownIfEmptyFor setting in the ServerSettings.ini file.