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Build an Automatic Slime Farm in Minecraft: Endless Slimeballs for Redstone Projects

Build an Automatic Slime Farm in Minecraft: Endless Slimeballs for Redstone Projects

Slimes are probably one of the quirkiest monsters you can encounter in Minecraft. They are large, green blocks that hop around and attack you. And when you attack them, they split into smaller versions! They have been in Minecraft since the Alpha version and often lead to funny moments. At the same time, it’s worth farming them, as their slimeballs are an important resource for your constructions. Therefore, an automatic farm is almost a necessity and should be present in your world.

The Best Uses for Slimeballs in Minecraft

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If you work a lot with Redstone, then slimeballs are probably one of your most important resources. But they are also needed for some other crafting recipes that you can take advantage of.

Crafting Tip: Make Sticky Pistons with Slimeballs

Sticky pistons are another form of pistons and are important for many Redstone projects. With them, you can not only push blocks away but also pull them back. This mechanic is used in some farms and machines and is therefore essential!

Slime Blocks in Minecraft: Useful Properties and Crafting Tips

From 9 slimeballs, you can create a full block of slime. These look very similar to the monsters themselves and are slightly transparent. This makes them interesting for decoration, but the block itself also has some special properties. For example, it can be used as a kind of glue, similar to a sticky piston. If a slime block is between a regular piston and a block, it will be pulled and pushed.

On slime blocks, you can also reduce fall damage and bounce like on a trampoline depending on the fall height! This can have very amusing effects. Additionally, you can use full slime blocks to brew the “Potion of Slowness,” which spawns two slimes upon your death.

Make Leads and Transport Animals More Easily

Leads are super practical when you want to move animals from one place to another. For the recipe, you also need slimeballs and some string from a spider. Make transporting livestock significantly easier! So it’s always good to have some leads on hand, just in case. You can also tie your horse with them so it doesn’t run away.

Craft Magma Cream: Make Potions and Blocks from Slimeballs

You can obtain magma creams from the magma cubes in the Nether - the slimes of the underworld - but you can also simply craft them. Use blaze powder and slimeballs for this. From four magma creams, you can craft magma blocks. With the cream, you can also brew potions of fire resistance, which are super useful!

Slimeballs for Frogs

Frogs are a new mob in Minecraft that you can also breed. Use slimeballs and feed them to the frogs to let them grow. The breeding works just like with regular livestock.

How to Build an Automatic Slime Farm in Minecraft

First, you need to know where exactly slimes spawn. This will help you determine where to build your farm.

  • Swamp: Slimes spawn in swamps, but only between Y-level 51 and 69. The more advanced the moon phase, the more slimes spawn.
  • Slime Chunks: Depending on the seed, your world has different chunks (16x16 block sections) where slimes can appear at Y-level 40 or lower. You can hardly find these in the game, so we recommend Chunkbase. Use your seed and search for the green boxes there.

A great help for building a slime farm is the ability to display the boundaries of a chunk. This is only possible in the Java Edition. You need to press F3 and G simultaneously - and the lines will appear! Use these to orient yourself while building.

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Interestingly, we need some blocks made from slimes to build the farm. Therefore, it’s good if you already have a small supply of them.

Building Materials for the Slime Farm: Everything You Need

  • Pickaxe (for excavation)
  • 15 Magma Blocks
  • Hopper + Chest
  • Glass Pane
  • Water Bucket
  • 6 Slabs
  • Lead
  • Fence
  • Torches
  • 2 Snow Blocks + Carved Pumpkin

Building the Slime Farm: Step-by-Step Guide

First, find your slime chunk using the method we mentioned above. Either use the F3+G key combination and Chunkbase or simply find the coordinates of the opposite corners and orient yourself by them. We build the farm on Y-level 10 for maximum efficiency.

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Excavate an area of 16x16 blocks with a height of 3 blocks. You can line it as you wish, or just leave the cave wall as it is. It’s up to you whether you want a beautiful or just a practical farm.

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In the middle, dig a 4x4x4 trench, always 6 blocks away from all walls.

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In the trench, the slimes will be automatically killed and their items collected. Lay the floor with the 15 magma blocks that deal damage. Leave one corner free. Place the hopper there, leading to a chest in the wall. Enclose the chest with slabs so you can open it later. Put the glass pane on the hopper. Place your water opposite the hopper, which directs the slimeballs into the chest.

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Now you need to create a way to lure the slimes. We use a snow golem, but an iron golem also works. Dig a 6x6x4 deep hole directly above the trench. In the middle, place a field of the 4 remaining slabs. Attach the fence at the ceiling. Then, build your snow golem with two snow blocks and a carved pumpkin and attach it to the fence post with the lead.

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The farm is actually complete! Now you just need to stand between 25 and 32 blocks away and wait for the spawns. A normal tunnel is enough. It’s best to light up all nearby caves to prevent monsters from spawning there and only in your farm.

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Conclusion: Why an Automatic Slime Farm is Worth It

Slimeballs are one of your most important resources, especially for pistons and other Redstone adventures. Therefore, you should always have enough of them on hand. But searching for slimes yourself is a challenging task, as they don’t spawn everywhere and swamps have become quite rare. An automatic farm in a slime chunk is the best option for you! Get endless slimeballs for your Redstone projects on your own server. Rent your Minecraft server and get your machines going!

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