Combat is an essential part of Minecraft, whether against monsters or other players on a server. The game offers you a colorful mix of different weapons with which you can prove yourself against your opponents. The Minecraft 1.21 version introduces a new weapon: the mace. It changes the gameplay and can even give you an advantage! That’s why today we want to take a closer look at all the weapons so you know exactly what means you can use to go into battle.
Melee Weapons in Minecraft: Which Are the Strongest?

Minecraft Sword: The Best Melee Weapon?
The classic Minecraft sword is probably the weapon you will use the most. A Netherite sword is one of the best weapons and should always be in your inventory if you want to fight monsters. Its mechanics are easy to understand, and you will be able to use it quickly and easily.
At the same time, you can enhance a sword with enchantments to make it even better! Different swords are good for different situations, but “Looting”, “Mending”, “Sharpness”, and “Sweeping Edge” should be on every sword. The cooldown for a sword swing is 0.6 seconds, so relatively fast.
Axe as a Weapon: Stronger than a Sword?
In contrast, the axe is gaining increasing popularity among players! It is slower (with a cooldown of 1.2 to 1 second) but deals significantly more damage per hit. With an enchanted Netherite axe, you can kill most normal enemies with one attack.
An axe has become a great alternative and is a legitimate weapon in Minecraft. Additionally, they can destroy shields, which is practical in PvP.
Trident as a Melee Weapon: How Strong Is It?
A very special case is the trident, which can be used in both melee and ranged combat. Let’s first look at its melee attack. A normal trident is similar in strength to a diamond sword but slightly slower. However, this is not necessarily its strength, so we will look at the trident again in the next segment.
Minecraft Mace: How Does the New Weapon Work?
The new mace is a really interesting weapon and can greatly change your gameplay. It deals only three hearts of damage on its own and has a cooldown of 2 seconds. Not necessarily great, but the best is yet to come!
The damage multiplies with the fall height. So if you fall on your opponents from above and strike, the mace has enormous penetrating power! You literally deal fall damage but also take it yourself. This can make the weapon a bit tricky. But combined with gusts of wind and some enchantments like “Density” and “Rupture”, you can perform cool attacks.
Ranged Weapons in Minecraft: Bow, Crossbow & More

In addition to a good sword, the bow is also part of your regular repertoire in Minecraft. It is a classic weapon that is easy to understand and gives you enough distance from your opponents. Charge your shot and aim accurately to get the best out of the bow. A bow with “Power” is virtually unbeatable!
At the same time, you can experiment with other arrows and try out various projectiles. Tipped arrows are often forgotten and can be a little secret weapon in your inventory, especially against other players.
Crossbow: Is It Worth Using in Combat?
The crossbow is an interesting case and a weapon that is not commonly seen. It is primarily used by pillagers but can also be crafted. Its range is higher than a bow’s, and the damage is higher too, but the reloading time is longer. With “Quick Charge”, you can counteract this.
A fun feature is that you can shoot fireworks with a crossbow. Once charged, shots don’t have to be fired immediately and can be stored for later. Whether a bow or a crossbow depends more on your playstyle.
Trident as a Ranged Weapon: Is the Enchantment Worth It?
We’re back to the trident, a truly underrated weapon in Minecraft! You should use it in ranged combat, but only with the “Loyalty” enchantment. Otherwise, it won’t return to you. Some cool features of the trident include the ability to generate lightning during thunderstorms with the “Channeling” enchantment. With “Riptide”, you can glide through water or rain. And “Impaling” increases damage against aquatic creatures.
The only downside to a trident is its rarity. You can’t craft it; you can only obtain it from drowned or in the trial chambers.
Unusual Weapons in Minecraft: Potions, Explosions & More

Splash Potions & Lingering Potions as Weapons
Let’s move on to some other “weapons” you might not always think of. First up are potions, as both splash potions (with gunpowder) and lingering potions (with dragon’s breath) can deal damage and apply status effects to other monsters or players.
The effects “Instant Damage” and “Poison” are probably your best uses, but things like “Slowness” or “Weakness” can also aid you in battle. In PvP, potions like these can surprise your opponent and bring them to their knees.
Snowballs & Eggs: Fun but Useless Weapons?
Both snowballs and eggs are more intended for fun. You can throw them, but they won’t cause damage. They’re more for distraction or a fun action in between. Interestingly, snowballs can damage blazes, which would be a very amusing challenge!

Explosions are, of course, also a valid way to deal damage. TNT is your best option, but there are other ways to cause large-scale explosive damage. In the Nether, beds are your best friend, but end crystals and respawn anchors also leave behind massive explosions, making them an interesting weapon for Minecraft.
Finally, let’s take a look at lava because a bucket full of it and you have a really good weapon in your hands! Lava not only deals a lot of damage but also slows down your opponents. It is practically an upgrade to a flint and steel, which you can also use as a weapon. Place the lava strategically and block your opponent’s path.
In the Nether, however, lava is useless because almost all monsters are immune to it. And a potion of fire resistance also helps against it when fighting other players.
Here you find all melee and ranged weapons in direct comparison:
Weapon | Damage (without enchantment) | Cooldown | Special Properties |
Netherite Sword | 8 (4 hearts) | 0.6 sec | Fast, effective, can be combined with Sharpness or Looting |
Diamond Axe | 10 (5 hearts) | 1 sec | Higher damage than a sword but slower |
Trident | 9 (4.5 hearts) | 0.9 sec | Can be used in melee & ranged combat, rare to obtain |
Mace | 6 (3 hearts) | 2 sec | Damage multiplies with fall height, synergizes with Riptide |
Bow | Up to 9 (4.5 hearts) | 0.5 sec (charge time) | High range, many enchantments possible (Power, Flame, Infinity) |
Crossbow | 9 (4.5 hearts) | 1.25 sec (reload) | Higher damage than the bow, can shoot fireworks |
Splash Potion (Damage) | Variable (e.g., Instant Damage II: 6 hearts) | Instant | Can give opponents status effects (Poison, Weakness, etc.) |
TNT / Explosions | Variable (up to 50 hearts on direct contact) | - | Very strong area damage, but hard to control |
Lava | Variable (fire damage over time) | - | Slows down opponents and causes continuous damage |
Which Weapon is the Best in Minecraft?
- Best All-Round Weapon: Netherite Sword with “Sharpness V”
- Best Ranged Weapon: Bow with “Power V” + “Infinity”
- Best PvP Weapon: Netherite Axe + Shield Breaker
- Best Surprise Weapon: Mace + Riptide
- Best Tactical Weapon: Lava Bucket + Potions
Conclusion: The Best Weapons in Minecraft at a Glance
Over the many years, Minecraft has introduced a wide variety of weapons and defensive options, giving you as a player great choices. Whether it’s the traditional sword, a trident, or unconventional potions – there’s suitable equipment for everyone in the arsenal. Rent your own Minecraft server and compete against your friends! You can host various tournaments, play a classic survival map, or take on Minecraft’s big bosses together. With our guide, you’ll always have the right weapons at hand!