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Minecraft: Your game, your server

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How to Install Mods for Minecraft Bedrock Edition

We’ll describe how to upload mods to your Bedrock server.
Depending on the mod, it may be necessary to upload both a Resource Pack and a Behavior Pack.


  • To upload the mod, you need to use an FTP program such as Filezilla.
    FTP on our site is not intended for uploading files.
  • The mod may be packed as .mcpack or .mcaddon.
    These need to be unpacked before uploading using 7zip!

1. Download Mods

You can download mods from sites like mcpedl.
Please note that some mods may consist of both a Resource Pack and a Behavior Pack.
Therefore, always download all available packs for a mod.
Once you have downloaded your desired mods, unpack them using 7zip.
Simply right-click on the .mcpack or .mcaddon file and select Open with.
Then choose 7zip.
Or, if available in the context menu, choose 7zip -> Open.
Now click Extract, choose a directory for extraction, and click Ok.

2. Upload Mods

Behavior Pack

  1. Stop your server.
  2. Connect to your FTP program using the Upload FTP.
  3. Upload the Behavior Pack to the following directory:
    Note: You can find the ConfigID or Configuration ID for your server on our site under Gameserver.
    If your ConfigID is, for example, 123456, it would look like this: /123456/behavior_packs/
    If the behavior_packs folder does not exist, it must be created.

Resource Pack

  1. Stop your server.
  2. Connect to your FTP program using the Upload FTP.
  3. Upload the Resource Pack to the following directory:
    Note: You can find the ConfigID or Configuration ID for your server on our site under Gameserver.
    If your ConfigID is, for example, 123456, it would look like this: /123456/resource_packs/
    If the resource_packs folder does not exist, it must be created.

3. Activate Mods

Behavior Pack

  1. Create a new file and name it world_behavior_packs.json
  2. Open the file and insert the following text:
  "pack_id" : "ModUUID",
  "version" : [version,number,here]
  1. Now open the Behavior folder of your mod and open the manifest.json.
    Look for the following line: "uuid": "ModUUID",
  2. Copy the UUID and paste it into the world_behavior_packs.json.
    Replace ModUUID with the value from the manifest.json.
  3. Similarly, replace the values for version in the world_behavior_packs.json.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Stop your server. The status of your server must be Server is not running!
  6. Connect to your FTP program using the Savegames FTP.
  7. Upload the world_behavior_packs.json to the following directory:
    ConfigID/worlds/Bedrock level/
    Note: You can find the ConfigID or Configuration ID for your server on our site under Gameserver.
    If your ConfigID is, for example, 123456, it would look like this: /123456/worlds/Bedrock level/
  8. Once you have uploaded everything for both Behavior Packs and Resource Packs, start your server.

Resource Pack

  1. Create a new file and name it world_resource_packs.json
  2. Open the file and insert the following text:
  "pack_id" : "ModUUID",
  "version" : [version,number,here]
  1. Now open the Resource folder of your mod and open the manifest.json.
    Look for the following line: "uuid": "ModUUID",
  2. Copy the UUID and paste it into the world_resource_packs.json.
    Replace ModUUID with the value from the manifest.json.
  3. Similarly, replace the values for version in the world_resource_packs.json.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Stop your server. The status of your server must be Server is not running!
  6. Connect to your FTP program using the Savegames FTP.
  7. Upload the world_resource_packs.json to the following directory:
    ConfigID/worlds/Bedrock level/
    Note: You can find the ConfigID or Configuration ID for your server on our site under Gameserver.
    If your ConfigID is, for example, 123456, it would look like this: /123456/worlds/Bedrock level/
  8. Once you have uploaded everything for both Behavior Packs and Resource Packs, start your server.