1000 MB
BGN 3.50
BRL 10.76
CAD 2.66
CHF 1.69
CNY 13.63
CZK 44.83
DKK 13.35
EUR 1.79
GBP 1.49
HKD 14.60
HRK 13.49
HUF 721.28
IDR 30,394.74
ILS 6.68
INR 162.55
ISK 263.67
JPY 286.56
KRW 2,702.01
MXN 38.15
MYR 8.32
NOK 20.86
NZD 3.29
PHP 108.27
PLN 7.46
RON 8.91
RUB 209.79
SEK 20.13
SGD 2.52
THB 63.08
TRY 67.93
USD 1.88
ZAR 34.47
date 3.85
/ month
(taxes included)
Server location:
5000 MB
BGN 4.87
BRL 14.97
CAD 3.70
CHF 2.35
CNY 18.96
CZK 62.36
DKK 18.57
EUR 2.49
GBP 2.07
HKD 20.31
HRK 18.77
HUF 1,003.35
IDR 42,280.95
ILS 9.30
INR 226.12
ISK 366.78
JPY 398.62
KRW 3,758.66
MXN 53.07
MYR 11.57
NOK 29.01
NZD 4.57
PHP 150.61
PLN 10.37
RON 12.39
RUB 291.83
SEK 28.00
SGD 3.50
THB 87.74
TRY 94.49
USD 2.61
ZAR 47.95
date 5.36
/ month
(taxes included)
Server location:
Create your own configuration and customize options flexibly
Secure payment

Frequently asked questions
A Sinusbot is a music bot developed for use on TeamSpeak servers. It can automatically play music that comes from various sources such as YouTube or SoundCloud.
A rented Sinusbot offers several advantages. You don’t have to worry about installing and maintaining the bot. We take care of all the technical aspects, so you can concentrate on using the bot. In addition, a rented Sinusbot offers you greater reliability and stability.
Yes, you can customise your rented Sinusbot by installing different plugins and scripts.
Take your TeamSpeak experience to the next level with the Sinusbot
With the Sinusbot for TeamSpeak, you have the opportunity to take your entire audio experience to a new level. Sinusbot is a powerful, easy-to-use software that allows you to easily automate and manage your TeamSpeak server.
For example, by using Sinusbot you can fill your TeamSpeak server with music and set up automated greetings and notifications. You can also spice up your server with different sound effects and make sure your friends and colleagues always know what’s going on.
Sinusbot is very easy to install and use. You don’t need any advanced technical knowledge to set it up and use it. Plus, Sinusbot offers a wide range of features and customisation options that allow you to tailor your audio experience to your personal needs.
In summary, the Sinusbot for TeamSpeak provides a powerful, easy-to-use way to automate and manage your TeamSpeak server. Through its many features and customisation options, you can take your TeamSpeak server to the next level and improve your audio experience.