In Minecraft, there are many ways to get from point A to point B. While you couldn’t even sprint in the past, nowadays you can soar through the air with wings and travel over a thousand blocks in just a few minutes! But that only works if you have the right equipment with you. The Elytra is an endgame item and is only available after defeating the Ender Dragon. In combination with firework rockets, it becomes one of the best means of transportation in Minecraft. You no longer have to walk but can simply glide through the skies. How you can automatically replenish your stock of rockets is what we will show you in this post.
Elytra – Soar High in Your Minecraft World!
The Elytra was introduced with the expansion of the End dimension and has completely revolutionized the game. While previously the fastest way to move was with a horse or a minecart, now there’s the option to glide through the world. The Elytra should be part of your basic equipment at the latest after defeating the Ender Dragon. It replaces your chestplate, which gives you less protection but much more freedom.
How to Find and Use the Elytra Properly
You can find the Elytra in an End city. To do this, you must first defeat the Ender Dragon, because only then a portal opens to the distant islands in the End. There you have to look for a city, which is actually hard to miss thanks to its size and purple color.

A bit of luck is also involved, as only End cities with a floating ship contain an Elytra. Build your way to the ship and look in the cabin there. At the end, there should be a frame with the Elytra! This is the only way to obtain this highly coveted item.

The controls can be a bit unusual at first. The Elytra wings function more like a glider and less like real wings. You can activate them in a jump by pressing your jump key again to glide gently downward. You only gain height passively by moving your mouse correctly. But without thrust, you won’t get far with the Elytra and can at most cushion your fall damage.
How to Use Firework Rockets for Elytra Flights
To actively use the Elytra for transportation, you need firework rockets. They give you the desired lift and allow you to soar into the sky! The combination of Elytra and rockets is therefore indispensable and is basic equipment for pro players.

When you are gliding with the Elytra, rockets give you a boost. How far you can fly then depends on your skill. Rockets with duration 1 are completely sufficient for these purposes. Otherwise, it would cost too much gunpowder, which you can only obtain from Creepers, Witches, or Ghasts in the Nether.
Building Guide: Automatic Firework Rocket Farm in Minecraft
Since you need plenty of firework rockets for your flights with the Elytra, an automatic farm is a wonderful thing! For this, we’ll take a closer look at the new crafter, which allows you to craft recipes without your interaction. And that works with rockets, of course.
To keep everything running automatically, you need both a gunpowder farm and a paper farm. For gunpowder, a Creeper farm, see (Build a Minecraft Creeper Farm: Infinite Gunpowder Supplies for TNT and Rockets) , is the best solution. For paper, a sugarcane farm, see (Minecraft Sugarcane Farm Guide: How to Build an Automatic Sugarcane Farm for Unlimited Paper and Sugar) , is an important starting point. You can also convert the sugarcane with a crafter into paper. Both resources are the foundation for this automatic farm.
Building Materials
- Supply of gunpowder and paper
- 3 chests
- 2 hoppers
- 2 comparators
- 2 redstone dust
- 1 redstone repeater
- 1 crafter
- 2 redstone torches
- 4 building blocks
Step-by-Step Guide
First, place the crafter at your desired location. Attach a hopper on each side and place a chest on each hopper. This is where the paper and gunpowder go. As described in the introduction, you can connect these chests directly to automatic farms. But you can also fill the chests yourself, depending on what you prefer. However, leave them empty for the moment, as we will first finish building the crafter.

Place a comparator on the ground behind each hopper. These compare the fill level of the hoppers and enable automatic crafting. Behind them, place a building block.

Attach a redstone torch to each of these building blocks, with a piece of redstone dust in between. This keeps the signal activated, and you don’t have to do anything anymore! Place an observer facing the redstone dust in between.

Next, place another building block between the crafter and the observer. Add another piece of dust on top. Place a redstone repeater on the observer and set it so that one lever is on the 3rd setting. Above the dust between the torches and behind the repeater, place another normal building block. With that, the automatic crafter for the firework rockets is complete!

Now we need to set up the crafter and fill the chests. The recipe for standard level 1 rockets consists of just one paper and one gunpowder. So switch off all but two adjacent slots in the crafter and fill these two slots with the crafting recipe.

Finally, you only need to fill both chests with the respective material. As mentioned, you can either connect two automatic farms or manually fill the chests on the left and right. Once both chests are filled, the crafter will start producing the rockets. Place a chest directly in front of it to collect them. The crafter functions similarly to a hopper.

The newly introduced crafter is a wonderful thing! It allows you to combine multiple automatic farms and not lift a finger anymore. This way, you can produce an infinite number of rockets for your Elytra and soar through the skies. Fly longer and further with an endless supply of firework rockets on your own server. Rent your Minecraft server and explore the skies without limits! This way, you can cover hundreds of blocks within seconds and always be swift on your feet.