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Minecraft Automatic Door Mechanism: Simple Build with Redstone

Minecraft Automatic Door Mechanism: Simple Build with Redstone

Redstone in Minecraft is the key component for controlling automatic mechanisms like doors. In this guide, you’ll learn how to build an automatic door mechanism with simple Redstone tools to protect your base and create hidden entrances. One application is using Redstone for opening and closing doors. There are many different options, varying in difficulty. Today, we will look at some of the simpler door openers that you can build without much prior knowledge in your world. This allows you to protect or even partially hide your base or house! This is particularly useful on servers with multiple people.

Minecraft Door Mechanisms: Pressure Plates, Levers, and Buttons

In one of our previous articles (Introduction to Redstone: Understanding and Applying the Basics) , we have already extensively discussed the basic mechanisms of Redstone. You can read up on the basics there if you have any questions. However, you should still remember the possibilities for Redstone, or you might already be familiar with it.

Minecraft Automatic Door Final Build

We have already introduced some of the door openers there but haven’t gone into detail yet. That’s what we’re doing today! We’ll take a closer look at levers, pressure plates, and buttons that work as simple Redstone mechanisms with doors. Keep in mind that you can also open a regular wooden door with your hand, but a Redstone door only works via Redstone. This keeps your home safe!

Minecraft Pressure Plate: The Simplest Mechanism for Automatic Doors

Pressure plates activate when you (another player or a mob) step on them or when the weight of items is on them. It is perhaps the simplest mechanism for doors because you can just walk over it, and the door opens. The pressure plate can be placed directly next to the door on the ground without Redstone dust, or you can route the signal with Redstone. But remember, the door only stays open for a few seconds. Once there is no more weight on the plate, the door closes again.

Minecraft Button: A Secure Door Opener Compared to the Pressure Plate

A button works similarly, but you have to press it, which makes it a bit less convenient. It can also be placed directly next to the door without Redstone and transmits the signal through the block to the door. You have to be quick, though, because the signal remains only 1 to 1.5 seconds after pressing the button. Then the door closes again. However, it is more secure than the pressure plate because you can hide the button better, and it won’t be triggered by mobs like Creepers.

Minecraft Lever: Practical Door Opener or Obstacle?

Levers seem practical at first, but they are rather counterproductive. Once they are turned on, the door doesn’t close automatically. Therefore, levers are not suitable for doors unless you want them to stay open. And as long as the signal is on, you can’t do much else. However, you shouldn’t give up on levers, as they are good for mechanisms you want to control directly.

Minecraft Hidden Door with Sticky Pistons: How to Build a Secret Base

These three methods are suitable for beginners, but we want to introduce a completely new method! For this, we’ll look at a Redstone block you might not know yet: pistons and sticky pistons, which push and pull blocks. These pistons are perfect for building a secret door without much knowledge.

First, dig a hole in the ground. It should be 2x3 blocks wide and 2 blocks deep. On the longer side, dig a channel for the Redstone. There should be a block at the end of each channel.

Minecraft Automatic Door Start Layout

You should now fill the ground with Redstone dust. On the two raised blocks at the end of the channels, place a Redstone torch each. These will redirect the signal. Then fill the ground with a material of your choice. We used stone. Where the torches are, simply place a block on top.

Minecraft Automatic Door Redstone Setup Minecraft Automatic Door Layout

Next, the pistons come into play. You craft them from wood, cobblestone, iron, and Redstone dust. For the sticky version, which we need, you also need a slimeball for each. Four pistons are enough, but you can make the door as tall as you want.

Minecraft Automatic Door Layout Pistons

First, place Redstone dust on the raised blocks. They should glow. Then you can set up the pistons in pairs. They always point with the wood towards you when you place them. Thanks to the torch and the Redstone signal, they will extend immediately.

You can now attach your desired block to the sticky pistons. These will then retract. To activate the mechanism, use pressure plates directly in front of it on the ground. If you make them from a similar material, they won’t stand out.

Minecraft Automatic Door Final Layout

You can now disguise the entire construction so that it doesn’t stand out at all. Your wonderful and automatic door is ready!

Minecraft Redstone Testing: How to Optimize Your Door Mechanism

Redstone is easy to understand but not always easy to implement. Therefore, we recommend testing some of your constructions and door mechanisms in a creative world. This helps you find better solutions to problems and become familiar with Redstone.

Minecraft Automatic Door Hidden Entry

It’s also not a shame to get inspired on YouTube. There are countless tutorials that help you build various constructions. However, you will have to deal with more Redstone components. We have focused more on a simple door that anyone can implement without much knowledge. But from there, you can actually see how you want to design your own automatic door. Use the previously mentioned levers and buttons to hide the mechanism.

Conclusion: The Best Automatic Door Mechanism in Minecraft

If you want to protect your base, you should install a good door mechanism. Even an iron door can help keep monsters away and make your base more secure. But even better is a door that you can’t even see! This is where Redstone comes into play again, along with pistons that are perfect for simple constructions. They allow you to move and pull blocks, making entrances disappear. Create complex machines on a server that’s just yours. Rent your own Minecraft server and enjoy the game without compromises! There, you can also test Redstone together with other players … or protect your house from them.

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